Dedicated to unapologetically exposing and eradicating the disease of American Progressivism and advocating a return to original Constitutional principles.

29 July 2010

A Comment on Democracy and Individual Liberty

The Administration is pushing to have an existing law changed to allow the FBI to obtain domestic internet traffic records (i.e. email, access records, etc) - without a warrant.  In addition, the law requires the internet service to remain silent about the request.  This is extraordinarily dangerous and a rapid erosion of individual liberties.  Just another sector of life under the unconstitutional scrutiny of the federal government.  This is in addition to the FCC and DOJ actively arguing in court this year that they are within their rights to obtain domestic emails without a warrant.  Please read:
In addition, there is a dangerous movement afoot to abolish the electoral college among the states.  This is an unveiled move to appeal to popular, direct 'democracy' (please read James Madison's words in Federalist #10 and #14 to learn why a republic was chosen for the United States and the dangers of true democracies).  I might remind you that Hugo Chavez, Hitler, and Mussolini were all 'democratically elected.'  Now, the Massachusetts (story is below) legislature has approved a bill that will award the state's 12 electoral votes not to the winner of the most votes by county within the state, but to the winner of the national popular vote tally.  This is exactly what the founders were trying to prevent - the state is voluntarily giving up its rights and sovereignty to the will of the public.  The Founders expressly warned that such moves would lead to mob rule and the destruction of the rights of a minority.
This move follows a similar one made in 1913 (during the Progressive Era of Woodrow Wilson) in which the 17th Amendment was passed, removing the election of senators by the state legislatures and subjecting them to 'direct democracy' - i.e., by direct, popular election of the People of the state.  Why is this important?  Shouldn't the People choose their representatives?  Yes - but in a federal republic, the states' are also represented independently of the People.  This balance was established by having the People represented in the House of Representatives and the States represented in the Senate.  The balance was destroyed in 1913, and now the states no longer have any representation.  Hence the slide of states' rights and the rapid move towards the gigantic, repressive national government we are now experiencing.
Federalist #10:
Federalist #14:
Mass. Legislature Approves Plan to Bypass Electoral College:
In love of liberty,
The Bulletproof Patriot